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27/07/2024 06:57:35

Ở bài viết này GM EDU sẽ chia sẻ ngữ pháp tiếng Anh căn bản dành cho người mất gốc, giúp các bạn củng cố nền tảng kiến thức ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cơ bản! Các bạn hãy đăng ký thành viên (hoàn toàn miễn phí) để có thể tải trọn bộ Ebook Ngữ Pháp 1 nhé. Chúc các bạn thành công.

Personal Pronouns




1. Kate is married. She has two children.

2. The students are in class. They are taking a test.

3. Mike has a new blue bicycle. He bought it yesterday.


  • A pronoun is a word to replace a noun. It refers to a person or thing without giving the name.
  • We use them depending on:
  • NUMBER: singular (e.g.: I) or plural (e.g.: we)
  • PERSON: 1st person (e.g.: I), 2nd person (eg: you) or 3rd person (e.g.: he)
  • GENDER: male (e.g.: he), female (e.g.: she) or neuter (e.g.: it)
  • CASE: subject (e.g.: we) or object (e.g.: us)
  • Below are the personal pronouns in English:




Personal pronoun






































Subject Pronoun

I like coffee.

Do you like coffee?

He runs fast.

She is clever.

It doesn't work.

We went home.

Do you need a table for three?

They played doubles.

Object Pronoun

John helped me

John loves you.

Did Ram beat him?

Does Mary know her?

Can the engineer repair it?

Anthony drove us.

Did John and Mary beat you at doubles?

John and Mary beat them.


  • When talking about a single thing, we almost always use it. However, we may sometimes refer to an animal as he/him or she/her, especially if the animal is a pet. Ships and some other vehicles as well as some countries are often seen as female and referred to as she/her.

This is our dog Rusty. He's an Alsatian.

The Titanic was a great ship but she sank on her first voyage.

My first car was a Mini and I treated her like my wife.

Thailand has now opened her border with Cambodia.

  • For a single person, we may use he/ he or she/ they.

When a teacher needs help, he should see the principal.

When a teacher needs help, he or she should see the principal.

When a teacher needs help, they should see the principal.

  • We often use it to introduce a remark.

It is nice to have a holiday sometimes.

It is important to dress well.

It's difficult to find a job.

It didn't take long to walk here.

  • We also often use it to talk about the weather, temperature, time, and distance.

It's raining.

It will probably be hot tomorrow.

Is it nine o'clock yet?

It's 50 kilometers from here to Cambridge.



I.   Use the correct personal pronouns for the words in brackets.

Example: She often reads books. (Lisa)

  1. ______ is dreaming. (George)
  2. ______ is green. (the blackboard)
  3. ______ are on the wall. (the posters)
  4. ______ is running. (the dog)
  5. ______ are watching TV. (my mother and I)
  6. ______ are in the garden. (the flowers)
  7. ______ is riding his bike. (Tom)
  8. ______ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
  9. ______ has got a brother. (Diana)
  10. Have ______got a computer, Mandy?

II. Replace the words in brackets with the correct personal pronouns. Note that Sue is the person speaking.

  1.  My name is Sue. (Sue) ______ am English. This is my family.
  2.  My mum's name is Angie. (Angie) ______ is from Germany.
  3.  Bob is my dad. (My dad) ______ is a waiter.
  4.  On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) ______ is my brother.
  5.  (Sue and Simon) ______ are twins.
  6.  Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy ) ______ is two years old.
  7.  (Sue, Simon, Angie, and Bob) ______ live in Canterbury.
  8.  (Canterbury) ______ is not far from London.
  9.  My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) ______ often come and see us.

Now, make similar sentences to talk about your family.

III. Choose the correct personal pronoun.

1. _________ am sitting on the sofa.

a. I                 b. He              c. You

2. _________ are watching TV.

a. It                b. He              c. We

3. Are _________ from England?

a. she             b. he              c. you

4. _________ is going home.

a. I                 b. He              c. We

5. _________ are playing football.

a. I                 b. They           c. She

6. _________ is a wonderful day today.

a. It                b. He              c. We

7. _________ are speaking English.

a. I                 b. We             c. She

8. Is _________ Kevin's sister?

a. he               b. she             c. you

9. _________ are swimming in the pool.

a. I                 b. She             c. You

10. _________ they in the cinema?

a. Is                b. Am             c. Are


IV.   Choose the correct object personal pronoun to replace the underlined phrase in the sentence.

1. The teacher always gives the students homework.

a. me              b. them           c. you

2. I am reading the book to my little sister.

a. her              b. us               c. him

3. The boys are riding their bikes.

a. it                 b. them           c. her

4. My father is writing a letter to John.

a. me              b. her              c. him

5. I don't know the answer.

a. she              b. her              c. it

6. Sally is going to see Anne.

a. her              b. him             c. me

7. Open the window, please.

a. it                 b. them           c. us

8. Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?

a. you             b. them           c. us

9. The books are for Peter.

a. him             b. her              c. you

10. Can you help my sister and me, please?

a. her              b. me              c. us

V. Complete the sentences, using appropriate object personal pronouns.

1. I want those books. Please give _____ to _____.

2. He wants the key. Please give _____ to _____ .

3. Carol wants the keys. Please give _____ to _____.

4. I want the letter. Please give _____ to _____.

5. They want the money. Please give _____ to _____.

6. We like to see the photos. Please show _____ to _____.

7. Mr. Hopkin wants to read the newspaper. Please give _____ to _____.

8. Sam wants the rubber. Please give _____ to _____.

9. Your mother needs the camera. Please give _____ to _____.

10. My friends want to see your dogs. Please show _____ to _____.

VI. Complete the following dialogues, using correct pronouns.

  1. A: Do you know Kate and Jim?

      B: Yes, _____ do. I live near them.

  1. A: Hi, Jane. How do you like your new apartment?

      B: _____ is very nice.

  1. A: Do Mr. and Mrs. Kelly live in this city?

      B: No, _____ don’t. _____ live in the suburbs. I visit _____ every month.

  1. A: Is Paul Cook in your class?

      B: Yes, _____ is. I sit next to _____.

  1. A: Do you know how to spell “Mississippi”?

      B: Sure. I can spell _____. ____ is easy to spell.

VII.Complete the following dialogue, using the correct pronouns.

A: Hi, Ann. How do you like your apartment?

B_____ is very nice.

A: Do you have a roommate?

B: Yes, Maria is my roommate. Do you know _____? _____ is from Miami?

A: No, I don’t know _____. Do you get along with _____?

B: Yes, _____ enjoy living together. You must visit _____ sometime. Maybe _____ can come over for dinner sometime soon.

A: Thanks. I’d like that.

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