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Emphasizing Expressions

26/07/2024 23:50:15



I would like to stress that used when you want to emphasize that something is important: Tôi muốn nhấn manhj rằng

I would like to stress that the research is still at an early stage.

I would like to stress that the characters in this poem bear no resemblance to real people.


It should be noted that a formal phrase used especially in articles and essays, when you want to emphasize that something is important: điểm đáng chú ý là

It should be noted that there are a number of alternative methods available.

It should be noted that the general trend of increasing unemployment has continued over a number of years.


It is worth bearing in mind that used when you want to emphasize that it is important to remember something when you are considering a subject:điều cần phải nhớ là

It is worth bearing in mind that 90% of the scientists researching herbicides in the US are employed by chemical companies.


Crucial (adjective) if something is crucial, it is extremely important: rất quan trọng

• Burgin distinguishes between photographic theory and photographic criticism (Burgin 1982). This distinction is crucial.

• Factors such as temperature and acidity play a crucial role in determining how well the process works.


Crucially (adverb)

Crucially, it was claimed that there was an increase in childhood cancers in areas surrounding nuclear power stations.


Vital/essential (adjective) if something is vital or essential, it is extremely important, because without it there could be serious problems: tối cần thiết

• These insects play a vital part in the food chain.

It is essential that the work is carried out as soon as possible.


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